Marketing Automation Tools for Start-Up
Marketing Automation For Start-Ups The market for start-ups is developing extremely dynamically. Many young entrepreneurs have brilliant ideas, however, from the idea to its implementation and establishment in the selected industry is a long and tortuous road. Money is becoming the primary source of problems, or rather their lack. It can be said that as to make money, it's necessary t...
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RankRanger – a Good Alternative to SEMrush
Today, I would like to introduce a tool that everyone who deals with SEO should be familiar with. It is not only an excellent analytical machine but also an invaluable help for positioners. RankRanger, because it is in question, even offers the possibility to build their tools into its reports. Looking at the website itself, one can see that the company takes a professional approach to its users, ...
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Polish vocabulary for marketers translated into English
Below, I present a list of most popular phrases, words and abbreviations used in marketing in Poland. Many of those expressions have been borrowed from English. The formula: So let's begin... A/B - A/B - a test method which consists in comparing two versions of a website or a product in order to choose the one that better meets expectations, is friendlier to customers and is bette...
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