Below, I present a list of most popular phrases, words and abbreviations used in marketing in Poland.  Many of those expressions have been borrowed from English.

The formula:

[the expression in Polish – the expression in English – the English definition]

So let’s begin…

  • A/B – A/B – a test method which consists in comparing two versions of a website or a product in order to choose the one that better meets expectations, is friendlier to customers and is better perceived by them
  • ABC – A(attention), B(benefit), C(close)-a marketing method which consists in catching the customer’s attention (A), presenting advantages that result from having a promoted product or pursuing a service (B), and quick completing the sale (C)
  • adres IP – IP adress
  • adres sieciowy – Web adress
  • adres URL – URL (Uniform Resource Loacator)
  • AIDA – AIDA-one of the models of the advertisement functioning which is based on four principles: attention (catching one’s attention), interest (attracting one’sinterest), desire (inspiring a desire to be in possession of something), action (provoking a customer to purchase)
  • AJAX – AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  • ALoC – Average Livetime of a Customer – one divided by the rate of the decrease of customers
    analiza słowotwórcza – stemming-the process in which search engines separate the root of a word and show the results of associated searchings, e.g. the answer of a search engine to the phrase ”cars” will be a ”car” as well
  • Anioł biznesu – business angel – a retail investor (private) who provides start-ups not only with resources but also his knowledge, experience, and friends in the early stage of their development
  • aplety Java – Java applet
  • ARPU – Przeciętny przychód na klienta – Average Revenue Per User-an average revenue per user, which is obtained in a given month
  • Atak DoS – Denial of Service-the process which consists in blocking an individual web service or a server by bombarding it with tons of information, which either will cause its overload (and its slackening) or saturate its link. As a result, the server stops being available to other users
  • ban – ban
  • biały kapelusz SEO – white hat SEO-techniques of website positioning which are pursuant to Google’s guidances
  • blog – weblog
  • bonus dla nowych stron – fresh bonus site-a popular among marketers claim according to which Google search engine increases the ranking of newly indexed web pages
  • Bootstrapping – Bootstrapping-in other words – out-of-pocket payments for the development of a company
  • bot – bot
  • Burn rate – Burn rate-in other words – the rate at which a start-up ”burns off” its money. Not rarely, it happens that such a start-up monthly spends money whiuch can be counted in tens or even hundreds of thousands, not having revenue yet
  • CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost-the cost of gaining, acquiring one customer
  • Canvas model – Canvas model-a template of a business model which is often used by a start-up to describe the model in its early stage of development (pre-speed). It consists of 9 elements: key partners, key activities, key resources, key costs, values, relationships with customers, ways of reaching them, segments of customerd and revenue
  • Churn rate – odpływ klientów – Churn rate-the percentage of customers who resign of services offered by a company
  • cienka treść – thin content-content of a low quality
  • cienki partner  – thin affiliate-a partner website which provides a small amount of content
  • COGS – Cost to Serve Customers-the cost of customer service
  • CPP – CPP-the cost of reaching one percent of people of the target group
  • CR – CR-a rate which describes the number of users who have taken the assumed action (e.g. signing up for a newsletter, purchasing goods, sending a request for proposal) under the influence of particular promotional purposes
  • CRM – customer Relationship Management-an application or a set of applications based on database mechanisms, which enables the management of relationships between a company and its customers
  • Crowdfunding – Crowdfunding-in other words – social funding. It is a form of financing the project by the community, mainly via the Internet, which purpose is to raise capital in the form of the endowment or in exchange for a given health benefit (e.g. some form of the compensation or/and the right to vote) in order to support a given initiative. There are more than 1,500 portals all over the world and platforms which enable, among others, to describe the project, allowing a start-up to describe rewards for those who support the initiative as well as the level of reaching the financial goal
  • CTR – click through ratio-an expressed in percentages rate which describes the number of users who have clicked on an online advertisement (e.g. a banner or a sponsored link). It indicates the quantitative relation of the number of users who have taken action (a click on a banner) to the overall number of displays of the banner
  • czarny kapelusz SEO – black hat SEO-techniques of website positioning which are not compliant with Google’s guidances
  • czas ładowania strony – page load time
  • czas spędzony na stronie – time on page
  • czynniki które przyczyniają się do – factors that contribute to
  • DDoS – distributed denial of service-it is one type of DDoS attack. Its purpose is to disrupt a server, equated with a computer, or a given service (e.g. a web server or an e-mail server) by bombarding it with the manipulated information (and in such a manner blocking all free files). A characteristic feature of DDoS is the fact that the attack comes not from one but many directions simultaneously, which makes it difficult to prevent such attacks
  • Decacorn – Decacorn-a start-up which assessment exceeded 10 billion dollars
  • depozycjonowanie – Google bowling-an artificial activity which purpose is to weaken the position of competitors by generating low-quality links which direct to their websites. New websites are particularly sensitive to such type of activities
  • DNS – DNS (Domain Name System)-the term describes equally the whole system of servers, individual servers as well as services provided by them that consist in switching addresses readable to users (e.g. domains in the form of to addresses understandable to devices operating the transfer of data on the Internet
  • DNT – Doman Name Testing-a service which consists in the temporal purchase of a domain to administer tests. Tests last 14 days
  • dodatkowy indeks Google – Google suplemental index-an additional Google database of websites which will not appear in the search results due to their low quality
  • dostawca usług internetowych – ISP (Internet service provider)
  • dostępność – accessibility – all factors which help the disabled, especially the blind, to access websites
  • duplikaty treści – duplicate content-duplicate content – Google clearly confirmed that their algorithm does not like content which duplicates itself on various web pages
  • działający w oparciu o bazę danych – database-driven-the content of websites is generated on the basis of information which comes from the database of its associated web pages
  • E-commerce 2.0 – E-commerce 2.0-a term introduced in imitation of and linkage with Web 2.0, which describes modern tools and methods of electronic sales
  • Ekran startowy – above the fold-part of a web page which is visible with no need to scroll it right after uploading the web page
  • engagement – poziom zaangażowania użytkowników na stronie
  • ENUM – ENUM-a system of phone numbers registration via the DNS system. The phone numbers which are defined in such a manner can be associated with other phone numbers, websites or emails. It makes it possible to employ one phone number, also treated as type of an ID, to use various data transmission services
  • FFF – 3F (Family, Friends and Followers lub Family, Friends and Fools)-Family, Friends and Followers, or, Family, Friends and Fools. The term is used in reference to a group of people who can be easily reached by a start-up and its proposition of project financing. The FFF is a way to finance the start-up by its closest surroundings
  • Fintech – Fintech – a mobile and innovative way of banking. It is based on using up-to-date technologies to improve services, e.g. online payments, treasury management, borrowing or using currencies
  • Firebug – Firebug-a popular tool (in the form of a plug-in for Firefox) dedicated to people who create websites. It enables them, among others, the real-time control over the structure of a perused file as well as JavaScript, following the process of downloading given elements of visited websites as well as live-view modifying HTML code and CSS sheet, etc.
  • Flash – Flash-the technology of creating interactive animations, which are to be published mainly on the Internet (in the form of e.g. additions to web pages), or even whole websites (also called Flash websites)
  • Founders ageement – Founders ageement-deal or a written agreement which regulates the most important aspects relating to the participation of originators in a start-up
  • geotargeting – geotargeting-determining the location of a user in order to generate websites and advertisements which would be dedicated to his preferences
  • Google Search Console – Google Search Console-an Internet application which is provided by Google to webmasters, in the past called ”Google Webmaster Tools”
  • gromadzenie linków – link building-actions which aim at creating or getting entering links to a given website and which purpose is to increase a positive influence of the links on the ranking in search engines
  • Growth hacking – Growth hacking-a marketing technique which instead of a traditional advertisement, uses up-to-date means of reaching customers, such as social media, virals, blogs, etc.
  • grupa docelowa – target audience
  • Grywalizacja – gramification-the application of game-design elements and game principles in services, products or websites, such as scoring points or being awarded a badge for doing even the simplest activities
  • Hockey stick – Hockey stick-if the company’s revenue abruptly increases and such a state of affairs lasts for some time, their chart may look just like a ”hockey stick”
  • HTML – HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
  • identyfikowanie słów kluczowych – keywords research-creating a set of popular keywords or collocations which will be later associated with a given website
  • ikona ulubionych – Favicon-a small icon (16×16 pixels) which is visible, among others, before the address of a website in a browser
  • inaczej konwersja – lead
  • indeks – index-a database of search engines which storages the content and other information about websites to which their users are directed
  • indeksowanie – index-the process of adding a website to the search index
  • intencje pytania – Query intent
  • IP – IP (Internet Protocol)
  • IPO – IPO-the first public offer, namely, the first sale of the company’s shares at the stock exchange
  • kanibalizm wyrażeń kluczowych – keyword cannibalization-a situation in which search engines are not able to determine a correct target website basing on a keyword because it is overused by websites they operate
  • kaskadowe arkusze stylów – CSS (Cascading Stye Sheets)-a mechanism which enables developers to control the structure of a website with no need to interfering with its HTML source code
  • katalog artykułów – article directory-a website which segregates articles sent to it by its users
  • katalog internetowy – directory-websites in which editors share information on web pages, assigning them to particular categories and providing them with names as well as descriptions
  • kliknięcie – click-through-clicking a given link or an advertisement, which will provoke an action (most often it will be a redirection to some other website or a web page)
  • kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności – KPI (key performance indicators)-parameters described by an organization, which define its goals and control their achieving
  • kod stanu 301 – status code 301-a means of informing users as well as search engines that the content of a web page applicable at the time of redirection has been transferred to another web page and should now be treated as the prevailing one
  • kod stanu 302 – status code 302-information that a given file has been found but has also been temporarily transferred to anther URL address
  • kod stanu 400 – status code 400-the server is not able to grant a request due to the incorrect syntax
  • kod stanu 401 – status code 401-the server requires the user authorization before granting their request
  • kod stanu 404 – status code 404-the server has failed to find the requested file
  • kod stanu 410 – status code 410-the server informs that the file has been removed deliberately
  • kod stanu 500 – status code 500-the internal server error has occured
  • kod stanu 501 – status code 501-the server does not identify the request
  • konwersja – conversion-taking a desired action by a customer, e.g. signing up, subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing online or purchasing offline
  • koszt dotarcia do tysiąca odbiorców – CPM (cost per mile)-the cost of reaching 1,000 users
  • koszt kliknięcia – CPC (cost-per-click)-a direct price, most often connected to an advertisement, which needs to be paid for clicking a link and redirection to another website
  • koszt na działanie – CPA (cost-per-action)-the cost of performing a given action by a customer
  • kradzież treści – pagejacking
  • Lean startup – Lean startup-it is a method of expenditure for development projects, which the measure of development is adjusting a business model to the market reality in accordance with the idea: gauge-lean-create. It is a business method according to which experimenting and adjusting to the market reality are more important than the process of planning
  • lepkość – stickiness – the ability of a website to interest its visitors and make them want to stay longer
  • link bezwględny – absolute link-a link which describes a precise localisation of a website on the Internet, e.g.
  • link nieodwzajemniony – nonreciprocal link-a situation in which a website A does not share a link to a website B. Search engines consider such a link to be the most valuable
  • link przychodzący – inbound link-a link leading to your website which has been shared on an independent website
  • link redaktorski – editorial link-a link which is shared by a webmaster, because he believes that it is valuable to the users of his website
  • link tekstowy – text link-an ordinary file coded in the HTML code, in which neither graphics nor JavaScript/Flash elements appear
  • link wewnętrzny – internal link-a hyperlink which leads to a different web page within one website
  • link wyjściowy – outbound link-a link to a website outside of another one
  • link względny – relative link-a link which does not include the whole website’s address – the beginning – due to which the server considers it to be part of the said website
  • linkerati – linkerati- Internet users who have their websites, on which they share links to other valuable websites, e.g. bloggers, owners of the information media
  • linki odwzajemnione – reciprocal linking-a reciprocal linking (the exchange of links) between websites A and B
  • linki zwrotne – backlinks-a group of the input links which are located on external web pages that direct a visitor to a given website
  • linkowanie wewnętrzne – interlinking-a link structure which permits the traffic between various web pages of one website
  • Liquidation preference – Liquidation preference-the preferred exit terms for a capital of the start-up’s investor
  • lista rozwijalna – pull-down menu-a list of commands on the website which a user may choose from
  • Lock-up – Lock-up-to commit oneself not to disposing shares within a specified time. It secures the interest of start-up founders against the unexpected change of an investor while ensuring the investor that the founders will work on the project instead of trying to resell their shares before reaching a certain stage of development
  • LTV – Live Time Value-ARPU multiplied by ALoC – revenue of an average time of providing services to a customer, which is to be reduced by the cost of customer service
  • mailing – direct mailing-type of a direct advertisement which is included in activities of BTL type. It consists in delivering promotion material (most often in the form of printed e.g. leaflets, bulletins, order forms) directly to the postbox of a potential customer An internet variation of this type of promotion is emailing
  • mapa witryny – sitemap-a map created for users in the HTML code, visible and accessible to them via a given website, or a map in the HTML code created for web crawlers
  • marketing społecznościowy – social media marketing-promoting a website or a brand via social media
  • marketing wyszukiwania – search engine marketing-all types of action which purpose is to improve the visibility of a website in Google, either those organic or sponsored
  • martketing treści – content marketing
  • maskowanie – cloaking-hiding the content of a website from Google’s crawlers, available to its users
  • MeetUp – Barcamp / MeetUp / MixEr-an informal meeting of start-ups
  • Minimal Viable Product (MVP) – Minimal Viable Product (MVP)-a product which is not completed but ready to launch onto the market. In that case, MVP is the simpliest version of a product which purpose is to show how it should be like when it is completed. In other words, it is ready enough version of a product to present its value to a potential customer, simultaneously enabling it to change the customer’s interests
  • mobilegeddon – mobilegeddon-the actualisation of an algorism which is focused on mobile phone users (2015-05-21)
  • moc linków – link juice-the quality of a link which describes a degree of Google’s trust towards the link and the authority of a website it redirects to
  • model probalistyczny – probalistic model-a classic model of recovering files which bases on the probabilistic interpretation of the thematic accuracy of the file to a given user’s question
  • monetyzacja – monetization-the process in which a publisher profits from a website
  • motyw – theme-the subject suggested by keywords on a web page
  • MRR – Miesięczny powtarzający się przychód – Monthly Recuring Revenue-a monthly stream of revenue of subscription, or in simple words, a sum of money which credits to our business account at the end of the month
  • nadpisnaie adresu URL – URL rewrite-a technique ehich is used to modify the URL in order to improve its appearance
  • nagłówek expires – Expires-one of the HTTP-headlines which describes the resource (file) validity
  • narzędzia analityczne – analytics tool-an application or a computer program which enables the storage and analysis of data concerning a website or a mobile application
  • naturalne wyniki wyszukiwania – organic search results-the search results which are not sponsored
  • niewidzialna sieć – invisible web-a data network on the Internet which Google does not index
  • No-shop – No-shop-a provision which most often appears in a term sheet, a commitment to the exclusivity of negotiations, namely, to refrain from discussions with other investors and to take no actions to take up offers or investment proposals
  • odpowiednie linkowanie – targeting link building
  • odsłona – impression-an occurrence of a user viewing a given web page or an advertisement
  • odzyskiwanie informacji – IR (information retrieval) – a branch of informatics which deals with the recovery of files which meet given information requirements
  • okruszki – breadcrumbs-a website navigation mechanism in the form of a bar most often placed above its content, which aims at helping users to locate their position on it and make sure how to move around it
  • optymalizacja strony internetowej – Internal optimization (On-site optimization)
  • optymalizacja witryny pod kątem wyszukiwarek internetowych – SEO (search engine optimization)-the process which has an impact on improving the website’s position in web searches
  • optymalizacja zewnętrzna (po za stroną internetową) głównie skupiająca się wokół link buildingu – External optimization (Off-site optimization)
  • PageRank – PR (PageRank)-an algorithm designed by Google, which purpose is to measure the weight of a linking website for its authority and trust towards it
  • pająk – spider-in other words – a sniffer, bot or a Google crawler which browses the Internet using links
  • pamięć podręczna – cache-a mechanism which enables users, who have visited a given website at least once already, to browse it faster, saving their copies to the computer’s hard drive or a copy of browsers
  • pasek narzędzi – toolbar-an addition to browsers (e.g. a search box) which is visible in their interface
  • piaskownica – sandbox – the quite old Google mechanism, becoming less and less significant which consists in Google placing new websites in so-called ”sandbox” to prevent them from acquiring a high position
  • Pitch – Pitch-the presentation of a start-up in the form of a public appearance, a presentation of the idea behind it and the business plan. Usually, the pitch is a presentation consisting in a group of one or more people who show slides or a short film in front of the investors. The pitch occurs, most often, when the means of financing and customers need to be found
  • Pivot – Pivot-it is a change made in order to better suits the market reality. It can be the change of the product’s features as well as the change of the strategy of entering the market, of a target group, of the way of communication, etc.
  • pliki logu (logi) – logfile-an access attempt recorded in a web server’s event log that includes information on a user
  • popularność słowa kluczowego – keyword popularity-an estimated number of web searches, which shows the volume of monthly web searches concerning a particular keyword
  • powracający użytkownik – repeat visitor-a person or a browser that gets more than once the access to a website in a given time unit
  • pozycja stron – rank
  • pozycje będą Ci rosły – you will move up in the rankings
  • Prawo pierwszeństwa – Right of first refusal-a way in which an investment agreement is drawn up guaranteeing that in the case of the intention to dispose of shares by one of the partners, the rest have priority over such a person to acquire them on an equal basis with other potential acquirers
  • prawo przyciągnięcia – Drag along-a condition which makes it possible to coerce one of the sides to sell their shares, most often used by an investor and securing his business. The condition gives such an investor, who wants to get rid of his shares, an opportunity to force other shareholders to take part in his transaction
  • przeglądarka internetowa – web browser
  • przekierowanie – redirect-a method of redirecting a user without a necessity to to perform an action, i.e. clicking
  • przestrzeń reklamowa – inventory-space on a web page or in an application which is dedicated to advertisements
  • przyjazny dla urządzeń przenośnych – mobile-friendly-a website or an application which is adjusted to a user’s mobile phone or tablet
  • przynęta na linki – link bait-a website which includes useful content and is to make its user share a link to it, e.g. in social media
  • pułapka na pająki – spider trap-an infinite loop that a spider falls into during the scanning of a dynamic website, where the URL changes from one web page to another
  • Punkt rentowności – BEP– break even point-the level which a start-up begins to become profitable
  • ramki – frames-a mechanism, undesired by Google, which combines several web pages into one
  • reklamowa konekstowa – contextual advertisement-an advertisement which is thematically related to the website or an application it is a part of
  • ruch pochodzący z zapytań brandowych – brand traffic
  • ruch pochodzący z zapytań niebrandowych – non-brand traffic
  • ruch sieciowy – traffic-the number of users who access a website
  • SaaS – Software as a Service-literally, software as a service. A service which is provided to a customer via the Internet, using advanced software
  • Seed capital – Seed capital -investments in a fund in the early stage of development or start-ups without a documented track record. Those are investments of a very high-risk profit
  • SEO zwiększa wartość strony – SEO increases the quality of a website
  • sesja użytkownika – user session-time at which a user visists a given website
  • SFCR – Sales Funnel Conversion Rate-Sales Funnel Conversion Rate, the number of potential customers who will become customers paying subscription
  • Skalowanie – Scaling-up-it is the process of increasing financial capabilities of a company due to its presence in world markets and/or in new types of the industry. Scaling-up is a change in the size and scope of a start-up. A scale-up business is also the one which can easily be moved to another place
  • sklep internetowy – e-commerce site-a website which purpose is retail
  • spam linków – link spam-links between web pages which the only purpose of existence is the improvement of linking between web pages
  • spam w komentarzach – comment spam-comments which are posted on forums and blogs in order to generate links to the other website
  • spam w wyszukiwarkach – search engine spam-websites which are returned by search engines in the result of manipulation and their adjustment to Google’s algorithms, though they are not the best answers to users’ questions
  • spamer – spammer-a person who uses techniques that do not follow the browser’s guidelines
  • spamglish – spamglish-a text that is devoided of any meaning, which purpose is to catch attention of a search engine
  • Spin off – Spin off-a company which has been created in the process of separation from its parent company
  • Spray and pray – Spray and pray – it is commonly said that this is a marketing method of reaching as wide group of recipients as possible, assuming the information will reach the right company eventually. But not only has it to be a way of promoting the start-up but also an investment model. The spray & pray technique is investing in many companies at once, assuming some of the ideas will profit at some point
  • strona jest na pozycji – page is ranking
  • strona odsyłająca – referrer web page-an external web page that redirects the Internet traffic to our web page via a link
  • strona pośrednicząca – doorway-in other words – a ”bridge’ type of the website which purpose is to take control over the Internet traffic by bombarding it with useless information that containins keywords only to redirect a user via a link to another website
  • strona statyczna – static page-a web page which displays always the same content
  • strona wynikowa – SERP (search engine results page) – a website which is returned by a search engine in answer to a user’s question
  • strona zawierająca wystarczającą wartość (użyteczna strona internetowa) – the page provide enough value
  • strony FFA – FFA sites (Free For All)-web pages which have been created to manipulate users and are of no use to them since many links put there redirect their visitors to websites which are thematically unrelated to them
  • sygnał nawigacyjny – beacon-a line of code placed on a website or in an application which allows to monitor its user’s behaviour
  • syndykalizacja artykułów – article syndication -the process of creating content which is to be published on the other website
  • system zarządzania treścią – CMS (content management system)-a platform dedicated to publishers which purpose is to facilitate the process of publishing content on a website
  • szary kapelusz SEO – grey hat SEO-actions which violate recommendations of search engines but not in a blatant manner
  • ściana ogniowa – Firewall-a computer program which provides protection against the unauthorized access to a computer system or the whole computer network by filtering and packet inspection
  • Tag along – Tag along-the right to join the sale of shares
  • tagi – tags – simple descriptionswhich are used to categorize the website’s content
  • taksonomia – taxonomy-a classification system of vocabulary used to divide topics into hierarchical structures
  • tekst kotwicy – anchor text-a visible part of links
  • tekst strony – body copy-the proper content of a website which is visible to a user and is devoided of graphics or navigation
  • Term sheet – Term sheet-an agreement which a founder a the investor enter into for the first time. As a whole, it is nonbinding, having no legal force; it is neither a contract nor an offer
  • trafność – relevance-probability that a given website will interest the user of a search engine or prove to be useful to them in the case of a given keyword
  • Trakcja – a term which is used to describe: does the business model work?; how fast (if at all) does the start-up develop?; how great is the users’ interest?; how great is the users’ engagement?; how does growth potential of the start-up presage?
  • treści tworzone przez użytkowników – UGC (user generated content)-content of a website which is shared by its users on the network: films podcasts, posts
  • TrustRank – TrustRank – a parameter which describes the degree of trust towards a given website or a web page
  • tworzyć Tresci – Produce content
  • ukryty tekst – hidden text-a text in a code of the website, which is hidden from its users – a method which is used by spammers
  • Unicorn – Unicorn-the term ”unicorn” relates to a start-up which assessment exceeded the sum of one billion of dollars
  • unikalni użytkownicy – unique visitors-visitors who have accessed your website for the first time in a given time unit
  • uprowadzenie witryny – hijacking-a method used by spammers which purpose is to convince Google that a given website has a different address than in reality – it is a form of masking
  • uśpione indeksowanie semantyczne – latent semantic indexing – LSI-a method of disguishing keywords from a website in order to determine type of its content
  • Venture capital – Venture capital-non-public capital market investments in companies, most often in the early stage of their development. The investments are to initiate the running of such companies and foster their expansion
  • Vesting – Vesting -a contractual provision, appearing in an investment agreement, which permits a gradual taking up shares in a company in lieu of a certain sum of money, in a given time
  • ważne ciekawe strony – important pages
  • więcej odwiedzin – more visits
  • witryny pod Adsense – Made for Adsense (MFA)-websites which has been designed to place advertisements of Adsense on them
  • Wskaźnik CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost-the cost of acquiring one customer
  • wskaźnik popularności linków – link popularity-a parameter which describes the value of a website on the basis of quantity and quality of websites which share links redirecting to it
  • zaufane strony linkujące – Hub-web pages or websites which are considered to be an authority in a given thematic field and guarantee that the link put there will have a positive influence on their position in the ranking of web searches
  • zdobywanie wartościowego ruchu – bring productive traffic
  • Narzędzia analityki internetowej – Analytics or Web Analytics Tools – The analysis of data generated by people’s activity on websites or mobile apps, for the purpose of discovering ways to improve websites and marketing campaigns.
  • Aplikacja – App (Application) – A program designed to run on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
  • Reklama banerowa – Banner Ad – A form of advert found on web pages and mobile applications, usually in image format.
  • Blog – Blog – A regularly updated website written by an individual, typically in a conversational style, and focused on a specific subject.
  • Przeglądarka – Browser – A computer program used to navigate the Internet on computers, tablets and smartphones. Examples include Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
  • CTR – Clickthrough – Rate (CTR) The number of times people click on an item of interest, like an advert, in comparison to the number of times users are exposed to that item.
  • Treść reklamy – Content – The digital material available to users, via text, video, audio, images, etc.
  • Konwersja lub Cel reklamy – Conversion or Goal – The action you want visitors to perform. Examples include ecommerce purchases, form submissions, phone calls, and video views.
  • Optymalizacja konwersji – Conversion Optimization – The process of increasing the percentage of visitors who complete your goals.
  • Poziom konwersji – Conversion Rate – The ratio of conversions to visits, often used to measure digital performance.
  • Koszt za kliknięcie – Cost per Click – The amount of money required to produce a single click on a digital advertisement.
  • Komputer – Desktop – A nonmobile device like a personal computer or laptop computer.
  • Ecommerce – Ecommerce – The sale of products and services online.
  • Mailing – Email Marketing – The process of using email messages to share information and promote products and services.
  • Strona Główna – Home Page – The introductory or “main” page of a website.
  • Język HTML – HTML Hypertext – Markup Language. A language used by web developers to create websites.
  • Wyświetlenia – Impressions – The number of times an advert is displayed.
  • Indeks – Index -A searchable catalogue of web pages and digital content used by a search engine to provide relevant results.
  • Słowo kluczowe – Keyword – A word or a phrase typed into a search engine, which businesses can target as part of their advertising campaigns.
  • Strona docelowa – Landing Page – The first page on a website that a person usually sees—not necessarily the home page of that website.
  • Link – link – A text or image that provides a link from one web page or website to another.
  • Urządzenie mobilne – Mobile Device – A portable device, such as a smartphone or tablet, capable of connecting to the Internet and running applications.
  • Naturalne wyniki wyszukiwania lub organiczne wyniki wyszukiwania – Natural Listings or Organic Listings Results from a search engine that are not paid adverts.
  • Płatne wyniki wyszukiwania – Paid Listings Advertisements – that appear on search engines results pages.
  • Płatność za kliknięcie – PayPerClick – (PPC) An advertising system in which advertisers pay for users to click on their advertisements.
  • Zapytanie – Query or Search Term – The keyword or phrase a user types into a search engine in order to find what they’re looking for.
  • Ranking – Ranking – A listing’s position on a search engine results page.
  • Silnik wyszukiwarki – Search Engine – A tool that indexes and returns relevant digital content in response to users’ keywords. Popular Internet search engines include Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, Yandex and more.
  • Pozycjonowanie (SEO) – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The  practice of making changes to web pages, content, and the promotion of that content to improve visibility in the organic —or unpaid—search engine results .
  • Pozycjoowanie sponsorowane (SEM) – Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – A form of advertising that allows you to bid for your advertisement to show along with search results for keywords that people are typing in. This lets businesses be seen by people at the very moment they’re searching for the things a business offers.
  • Wyniki wyszukiwania (SERP) – Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – A list of results appearing in a search engine in response to a user’s search query.
  • Sesja lub wizyta – Session or Visit – A group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example a single session can contain multiple page views and ecommerce transactions .
  • Treść na platformach społecznościowych – Social Media Content – such as text, images, or videos, created by individuals and shared across the Internet.
  • Sieć społecznościowa – Social Network – A community of individuals creating and sharing content.
  • Pozyskiwanie ruchu – Traffic Acquisition – The process of attracting visitors often referred to as traffic to websites, mobile apps and other digital assets.
  • Unikalni odwiedzający – Unique Visitor – A single visitor to a website during a specific period of time.